
Showing posts from April, 2017

Carton2Garden @ Rossview Elementary

This year we have been working hard on a new garden project at our school. It has been a lot of fun and a lot of work, but totally worth it. We had the local newspaper come out and do an article about our project. Here is a link to the article and a little more about what we have done with our project:     The carton2garden project at Rossview Elementary School   is the best of teaching STEM, using science, technology, math, and engineering lessons as well as the incorporation of health and nutrition, and sustainability practices. Our students are learning what it is to plant something from a seed, grow and take care, nurture it, and see it come to life to make a plant that they can actually harvest. This garden is something very special to our school that we want to use every year for our students to enjoy. Our garden is all STEM based and it has taught our students how importa...