The brown bowl was worth $15,000! What a great day I had Friday Oct. 8th with my fellow art educators at the "Japanese tea" workshop given by Artist/Teacher Regis Brodie! I just had to share a few pictures from the day. I can't wait to teach my students the lesson we did. They always LOVE clay projects anyway, and I know this one will be very exciting! You begin by making a basic pinch pot... Find the center of the pot by spinning it and using a needle tool... Roll out a coil and add to the bottom for the foot... Join the foot to the bowl with scoring and pinching the two parts together. Flip your bowl over and spin it to trim to top or "lip" of the cup. (This makes it better to drink from...) Then use stamps, paddles, or other tools to decorate! We learned a lot from Regis about the actual ceremony done to serve and drink the tea. It is very special to the Japanese culture, and has been around for thousands of years. I really enjoyed the day...